Monday, March 16

UFC 185 Video: Anthony Pettis Full Interview - 'I couldn't see out of my right eye' after Dos Anjos' first punch

Anthony Pettis says he couldn't see out of his right eye after taking the first big shot from Dos Anjos in the opening round.

During the first round of their title bout at UFC 185, Rafael Dos Anjos landed a nice left hook that hit Anthony Pettis cleanly. For several moments after that first big punch, Pettis kept wincing and trying to wipe his eye.

As Anthony confirmed during the post-fight interview, his vision was impaired from then on.

"Man, he caught me with the left hand, the first punch he threw, I couldn't see out of my right eye the whole time," Pettis told Joe Rogan immediately after the fight. "It closed up on me, I didn't have any peripheral (vision). No excuses, I've got to go back to the gym and train."

Pettis was also heard in between rounds telling his corner that he couldn't see, and it raises serious questions on whether his coaches should've actually pulled the plug on the contest after learning this.

Eyes are more delicate and don't really heal like joints or other injuries, so by not throwing in the towel, Duke Roufus and his corner actually risked permanent damage. Hopefully things turn out well for the former champion's health, but allowing him to continue without vision on one eye is just reckless on his coaches part.

You can watch the entire post fight interview from both men on the clip above.

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