Friday, April 10

MMA Nation is now on ITunes!

"Pretty exciting day!" -- Kid Nate

Fire. The wheel. The Model T. Penicillin. Radio. Television. Space travel. Prophylactics. Asteroids and Centipede, then Mario Brothers and Zelda. The internet. The Flowbee, every Hershey's chocolate product ever, the Snuggie.The Automatic Nose Picker 3000.

Mankind has been whisked along to a convenient and prosperous future by many earth-shattering evolutions, and today, on this glorious tenth day of April 2015, we are overjoyed to join the elite ranks of prestigious pioneers such as Prometheus, Henry Ford, Buzz Aldrin and Bill Gates.

We are proud to unveil that MMA Nation is now on ITunes.

That's right -- now you can soar to new and previously unattainable heights with download-able, audio-only versions of all your favorite MMA Nation videos. Now you can save precious time and pamper your eyeballs by bypassing the garish visual horrors of various Bloody Elbow staff members speaking on video, and merely listening to them as a Podcast on ITunes. And, most importantly, now everyone can stop harassing me on Twitter and in the comments section about achieving this very goal.


MMA Nation on ITunes

MMA Nation on SoundCloud

MMA Nation on Youtube

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