Tuesday, September 15

Nick Diaz Banned for 5 Years: Twitter Reacts to NSAC Decision

Nick Diaz's days as a professional mixed martial artist are likely over.

According to multiple reports, the native son of Stockton, Calif., was slapped with a harsh five-year ban from the sport (and a hefty six-figure fine) by the Nevada State Athletic Commission due to a post-fight drug test that was flagged for high levels of marijuana metabolites.

The oft-delayed hearing, captured the attention (and ire) of the entire MMA world Monday afternoon. From the get-go, reactions to the proceedings were negative. The NSAC was widely panned for its handling of the case and its inconsistent approach to doling out punishment:

The meeting had numerous testy moments, however, where members of the NSAC and Diaz's defense team exchanged barbs. Diaz also drew laughs from viewers, but heat from the commissioners, for repeatedly invoking his Fifth Amendment rights when under questioning.

When the NSAC began discussing punishment, Commissioner Pat Lundvall immediately opened by calling for a lifetime ban on Diaz. On paper, at least, that would be pushed down to a five-year suspension alongside a reported fine of $165,000. That such harsh measures were even in play, however, did not sit well with many observers:

When the proverbial gavel was banged and Diaz's punishment was made official, the backlash was swift and nearly unanimous: 

If you think things were going to change with Diaz, or if you thought things were about to settle down, think again:

Where things go from here, however, is anyone's guess. Diaz's legal team made it clear it intends to appeal, per MMAJunkie.com (Warning: NSFW language), but there is no real time frame for when that case may see a courtroom. Either way, at least for now, Diaz will not be fighting for the foreseeable future. That's a darn shame.

Read more MMA news on BleacherReport.com

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