Wednesday, October 7

Ronda Rousey Discusses Holly Holm on 'Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon'

Ronda Rousey’s interviews last longer than her fights, and her latest one occurred on the Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, when she discussed her upcoming UFC 193 showdown against former boxing champ Holly Holm.

Rousey’s last four fights lasted a combined two minutes and 10 seconds, including her 34-second beatdown of Bethe Correia in her last outing, so it was no surprise she expects to win on Nov. 14 when she faces Holm.

Damon Martin of Fox Sports passed along Rousey’s quotes from her Tonight Show appearance regarding Holm: “She’s a nice chick. I don’t have anything against her. She’s a nice chick that’s going to lose.”

At least Rousey took the time to point out Holm is nice.

Despite the overwhelming confidence, the seven-time defending UFC champion understood that Holm represents a legitimate threat during her discussion with Fallon (h/t Martin):

This one's going to be a much longer fight because she's a 19-time boxing world champion with 100-percent takedown defense and like head kick knockouts. She's undefeated and an amazing athlete, definitely the biggest threat to me. Especially on paper and stylistically, she's the type of fighter you have to be very, very patient with.

I feel like she's going to try to keep distance and keep far away from me and get me frustrated until I make a mistake and she can try and kick me in the head but it's not going to go like that.

A longer fight means those who buy the pay-per-view will actually get to enjoy it for more than a handful of seconds.

Incredibly, Rousey told Fallon her victory over Correia lasted longer than it could have if she took advantage of an earlier opportunity: “I took my time. It was longer than the last two combined. I could have finished it earlier because she went to the ground, I didn't go to the ground. She tried to close the distance and I could have thrown her and I was no, you're getting knocked out tonight. So it went 34 seconds.” 

While Rousey was all business when discussing her upcoming bout and previous victory, she clearly enjoyed herself during her appearance given her Instagram post and this revealing update from the show’s Twitter page:

Rousey may have a softer side that enjoys Pokemon and appearing on the Tonight Show, but chances are Holm won’t see it during UFC 193.

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