Friday, November 27

The Biggest MMA Turkeys of 2015

This is a truly special time of year. It is a time when Americans gather together to give thanks for what they have and to jeer things of which they do not approve.

For MMA fans, the cornucopia runneth over.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but MMA is a pretty wacky sport. No matter how popular it gets, no matter how amazing its product in the cage, MMA's stars, power brokers and impresarios just can't seem to slouch clear of their own path of destruction for any meaningful period of time. Quickly behind every blessing, there trails a curse.

Certainly, on the whole this has been a good year for the sport. The establishment of new stars like Conor McGregor, potential stars like Sage Northcutt and one mega-mainstream-household-hypergiant star named Ronda Rousey, plus record ratings for Bellator and one of the best fights ever, all provided high-water marks and plenty of buzz.

For that, we give thanks. And yet, it would be folly to ignore the problems, especially when MMA collectively behaves like a turkey that fell asleep on the chopping block. 

Hey, speaking of turkeys, here is our list of the five biggest turkeys in MMA for 2015. Each mouth-watering specimen was lovingly procured just for you by one of Bleacher Report MMA's finest marksmen: Mike Chiappetta, Chad Dundas, Craig Amos, Steven Rondina and me, Scott Harris.

They are listed in no particular order. Bon appetit.

Begin Slideshow

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