Wednesday, November 23

The Biggest MMA Turkeys of 2016

This is the time of year when turkeys start to feel nervous. Don't be afraid only for the literal ones, which are killed and eaten en masse, but also for the metaphorical ones who face the chopping block of negative connotation.

Now is the time when we celebrate all that stuff. And we're no different here in the MMA corner of the universe. I mean, we're different, just not Thanksgiving different.

That is why, forthwith, we shall identify the MMA turkeys of 2016: people who set a low bar, failed to meet that bar, set a lower one and so on. These guys and gals aren't up for pardon, either, if you get my reference. Fighters, executives, bureaucrats and charlatans—no one in MMA is safe!

Several writers came together to do this on your behalf. Chad Dundas. Josh Gross. Nathan McCarter. Steven Rondina. And myself, Scott Harris. Ready? Let's get it on.

Begin Slideshow

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