Wednesday, April 15

Watch Anderson Silva finding out about his UFC 183 test failure

UFC legend Anderson Silva was set to coach on The Ultimate Fighter Brazil, but he got pulled after failing a UFC 183 drug test. Check out video of the moment that he was informed of the failure.

Anderson Silva was a coach on TUF Brazil 4 for a minute. Just a little while ago the former UFC middleweight champion and surefire Hall of Famer was coming off a big win over Nick Diaz at UFC 183 after a long recovery from a nasty broken leg. Everything was great.

Then it all fell apart when it was announced that Silva had tested positive for multiple steroids in random and post-fight screenings.

The UFC is never short on selling drama, and they have released video of Silva finding out about his test failures as a preview for the next episode of TUF Brazil 4, which airs on April 20th. You can check it out above. He responds by saying he didn't take anything, and they show a quick glimpse of him being forced to tell his team about his issues.

"Okay gang, this is the deal. I just failed the doping test."

Silva was subsequently removed as a coach on the show and replaced by Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. He is under temporary suspension until the Nevada State Athletic Commission decides on a set penalty term.

In the meantime, Silva is talking about competing in Taekwondo for Brazil in the 2016 Olympics, though his current issues may stand in the way of that.

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