Wednesday, March 18

CM Punk would 'love' to see Brock Lesnar back in the UFC

CM Punk is continuing his training at Roufusport ahead of his UFC debut, and has asked Brock Lesnar for some advice about transitioning from pro wrestling to fighting.

If you haven't been living under a rock, you likely know that the UFC made a splash late last year by signing former pro wrestler CM Punk to a contract. Punk, real name Phil Brooks, is a former pro wrestler with no MMA experience. He is not the first man to do this though - a gigantic guy named Brock Lesnar made a successful transition between the two a few years ago, winning the UFC heavyweight title in the process.

Lesnar has gone back to pro wrestling again but is flirting with the idea of a return to the UFC when his WWE contract is up later this month. For his part, Punk would be happy to see Lesnar back and has even asked his advice about what his biggest obstacle was during the transition. And it might not be what you think (via MMA Fighting):

"[Lesnar] offered his help. He said, ‘Anything. You got a stupid question, you want to bug me, go for it.' So I do. I asked him what the hardest thing for him to do was, because obviously he's a freak athlete but something had to be difficult for him. And I find it's the exact same thing I'm having difficulty with, and that's learning to let go.

"Sparring is completely different. Somebody's trying to punch me in the face, I'm trying to punch them in the face. But often I'll find that I'm too light on guys if I'm rolling. My hips aren't heavy enough, because it's almost like I'm trying to work with them. It's like the old pro wrestling kicking in, and he had that same problem. So it's interesting to know that."

It shouldn't be all that surprising that something you've done for a large portion of your life might be difficult to let go of, but it's definitely an interesting perspective that I've never really heard before. As for Lesnar, Punk knows he paved the way and wants him to come back to the UFC:

"I'd love to see Brock back. I think it'd be good for Brock and it would just be fun to have him around.

"He kind of made the blueprint. He made, I think, it possible for somebody like Dana to look at me and even make me the offer. So I'm thankful for that, for sure. He's definitely just a good person to know."

Punk still hasn't decided when he's going to fight, but the 36-year-old has mentioned previously that he'd like to get into the octagon for the first time by the end of 2015.

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